Tag Archive: jumping alternating lunge

Two double alternating tabatas, with 3 minutes rest in between:

Wallballs (15,8) and jumping alternating lunges (each lunge = 1 rep)
Pull-ups (jumping pull-up = 1 rep, real pull-up = 2 reps) and sit-ups

Post total reps in each exercise and total total

Enjoy the sunshine folks!

With a partner, for time:
40 ground-to-overhead, 95/65 lbs (alternating partners for each rep)
Piggyback ride length of soccer field, switch as needed
40 jumping alternating lunge (must do together with partner)
Wheelbarrow race length of field, switch as needed
40 hang power cleans (accumulated as a team, divide as you please)
One partner broad jumps, the other toy soldier length of field, switch halfway
40 squats (must do together with partner)
Backward run together length of field
40 partner ball slams, 6-16 lbs
Alternating med ball throw down length of field
40 partner med ball sit-ups
Alternating med ball throw down length of field

800m run
3 RFT: 10 deadlifts, 275lb; 50 double-unders
800m run
3 RFT: 7 dumbbell squat clean thrusters, 30lb; 10 pull-ups
800m run
25 left-hand kettlebell swings, 1.5pd
25 right-hand kettlebell swings, 1.5pd
25 jumping alternating lunge
25 mountain climbers
25 goblet squats, 1.5pd
800m run

5 Rounds for time:

10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunge
20 Double unders
2 Shuttle sprints – half of b-ball court width and back, then full width and back
Rest 90 seconds in between rounds.

Post time for each round (minus rest)