Standard Class:

3:10-3:20- “Snatch” warm-up game
3:20-3:35- 10 EMOM, 3 back squats
3:40-3:55- WOD:
With a partner, as many reps as possible in 10 min of:
Back squat (95/65)
200m run
*Partner A performs back squats while partner B runs.
Score= total number of squats

4:00-4:05- Quad Mobility

3:10-3:20- CF dodgeball warm-up
3:20-3:30- Skill practice, double-under/pull-ups/rope climb
3:30-3:35- hip & back extension instruction
3:35-3:55- WOD: 15:00 AMRAP:
20 cal row/bike (sub 400m run)
10 hip & back extensions (sub KB good mornings)
20 AbMat sit-ups

4:00-4:05- Couch stretch, 2 min. each side

Advanced class:

Barbell Strength:
Deload week; join gymnastic strength

10:00 AMRAP
10 handstand push-ups, 6 in. deficit
400m run
30 single-leg squats, alternating

Oly Strength:
Burgener warm-up 1xPVC, 1xEmpty bar

Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Power Snatch + Low Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1
*Low hang from below knees

20:00 AMRAP
5 power snatches (115/75)
7 toes-to-bar
9 box jumps (24”/20”)

Barbell Strength:
Deload week; join gymnastics strength

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