Tag Archive: farmer’s walk

PE 2/1

Long interval: 4 x 10 min w/ 2 min rest

As a team of 2, complete for time:
800m Farmer’s Carry 53/35
400m Front Rack Carry 53/35
200m Overhead Carry 53/35
*The 2-person team can divide up the 800m, 400m, and 200m carries between them in any manner they choose, but the 800m must be completed before beginning the 400m, which must be completed before beginning the 200m.


AMRAP 12 minutes of:
200m run
8 wall balls (20/14)
*Person A does one round then tags out with person B who does one round. This sequences repeats for 12 minutes.

5 rounds for time of:
Row 1,000 meters
200-m farmers carry, 45-lb./35-lb. dumbbells
45-lb./35-lb. dumbbell waiter walk, 50 meters, right arm
45-lb./35-lb. dumbbell waiter walk, 50 meters, left arm

Beginner Scale:
3 rounds for time of:
Row 1,000 meters
200-m farmers carry, 25-lb./15-lb. dumbbells
25-lb./15-lb.* dumbbell waiter walk, 50 meters, right arm
25-lb./15-lb.* dumbbell waiter walk, 50 meters, left arm

taken from Crossfit mainsite


20 Cal Row
5 Single Arm Overhead Squat each arm
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, moderate weight


100’ Farmer Carry, 70/53 lbs each Hand
5 Box Jumps, 40/30”

Farmer Carry should be a weight you can handle unbroken the whole time.
Box Jumps should be high but doable at consistent rate.

Grip Test

5 rounds for time:
200 meter kettlebell farmer’s walk (53/35# each hand)
10 overhead squats (135/95#)
5 pull-ups

scale as needed


10 Rounds for time of:
40 Yd, Farmer’s Carry 45’s/25’s
30 Double-unders
20 Air Squats
1 Rope Climb, 15 ft

*men use 2 45-pound plates
*women use 2 25-pound plates


40-30-20 Unbroken* Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
200m KB Farmer’s Carry after each set (1.5/1pd)

*Row 20/15 Calories immediately upon any break