Tag Archive: squat clean thruster

2/3 P.E

4 x 10 min on, 2 min off

Back squat: 5-5-5
Press or bench press: 5-5-5
Deadlift: 5

10 minute AMRAP
10 box step ups
5 squat clean thrusters (115/75)
10 sit-ups

July 18 | Hopper WOD

Today’s challenge is a grab bag workout. Two Crossfit movements will be selected randomly  out of a hat.  Once the types of movements are determined, a rep scheme will be chosen, then a time domain will be selected.

The workout selected was …

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Squat clean thrusters (95/45)
Parallette pass-throughs


800m run
3 RFT: 10 deadlifts, 275lb; 50 double-unders
800m run
3 RFT: 7 dumbbell squat clean thrusters, 30lb; 10 pull-ups
800m run
25 left-hand kettlebell swings, 1.5pd
25 right-hand kettlebell swings, 1.5pd
25 jumping alternating lunge
25 mountain climbers
25 goblet squats, 1.5pd
800m run

For Time:

1200 meter run
300 jump rope singles
70 squats
50 toes to bar
30 sumo deadlift high-pull
20 kettlebell swings
10 squat clean thrusters

10 Hanging Squat Clean Thrusters, 50 lb dumbbells
300 m run
15 Hanging Squat Clean Thrusters, 45 lb dumbbells
300 m run
20 Hanging Squat Clean Thrusters, 40 lb dumbbells
300 m run
25 Hanging Squat Clean Thrusters, 35 lb dumbbells
300 m run
30 Hanging Squat Clean Thrusters, 30 lb dumbbells
800 m run

3 RFT:

400 m run
15 squat clean thrusters (95/65)