Tag Archive: squat

Enjoy the sunshine folks!

With a partner, for time:
40 ground-to-overhead, 95/65 lbs (alternating partners for each rep)
Piggyback ride length of soccer field, switch as needed
40 jumping alternating lunge (must do together with partner)
Wheelbarrow race length of field, switch as needed
40 hang power cleans (accumulated as a team, divide as you please)
One partner broad jumps, the other toy soldier length of field, switch halfway
40 squats (must do together with partner)
Backward run together length of field
40 partner ball slams, 6-16 lbs
Alternating med ball throw down length of field
40 partner med ball sit-ups
Alternating med ball throw down length of field

Okay students! Which AC class is more fit? Today we find out.

In this WOD, each person tries to accumulate as many points as possible for the class. You are trying, as a group, to outscore the other class.

It will consist of three parts, each 5 minutes long with a 1 minute rest in between, with one third of the class at each station:

1) Max distance run : each 100m = 10 points

2) AMRAP in 5 min: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats : each rep = 1 point
(Band-assisted pull-ups = 3 points for 5 reps; push-ups from knee = 5 points for 10 reps)

3) For max points: load barbells 95lb for men, 65lb for women. 1 point for each distance covered by the barbell: ground to hang; hang to rack; rack to overhead
(1 point lifts: deadlift, hang power clean, push press, front squat, back squat; 2 point lifts: power clean, hang power snatch, thruster; 3 points: any complete ground-to-overhead movement)

Note: Bad form on the barbell = 1-5 point penalty, instructor discretion

At the end, we will total your points as a class. Once both classes have done it, we will multiply each class’s point total by the number of participants in the other class.

Class with highest total will be crowned the fittest!


100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Do the exercises in this order and don’t break it into rounds; complete each movement before moving to the next. Sub and scale as necessary.

3 RFT:

Row 500m
50 Squats
50 Double Unders

From CrossFit Endurance

4 RFT:

400m run
50 squats

For Time:

1200 meter run
300 jump rope singles
70 squats
50 toes to bar
30 sumo deadlift high-pull
20 kettlebell swings
10 squat clean thrusters
