Tag Archive: walking lunge

LEGS do this!


100m walking lunge

800m run

100 squats


Hammie Burn

4 RFT:

15 GHD’s
20 Pole Pikes w/ 35# plate (10 each arm)
Court Width and Back Walking Lunge w/ 53# Kettlebell

Post Time and total weight moved (add up Pole Pikes and Walking Lunges)

{Pole Pike: One end of bar in the center of a plate lying flat, w/ a 35# plate on the other end, shove one handed from tip of bar, shoulder to full extension, releasing, and catching with opposite hand.}


GHD situps
walking lunges
toes to bar
side (lateral) lunges
box jump

In teams of 3, one person at a time completes each of the following movements; all three finish before moving to the next movement:

5 power snatches, 75/55 followed by walking overhead barbell walk, width of gym between purple stripes
walking lunges, width of gym
broad jumps, width of gym
overhead medicine ball sprint, 25/12, width of gym

First team with third person across the line on the last sprint wins.

For time and for fun:

10K run with interruptions: Around every 10 minutes, everyone stops and does the next item on this list:
– 800m piggyback ride/partner carry (pairs can switch off as necessary until distance is covered; if an odd number, two people carry the third person together, anyhow)
– 15 handstand push-ups (partner holds legs upright)
– 15 partner back squats (put partner on back)
– 50 push-ups
– 50 walking lunges
– 100 squats

1 rope ascent
20 back squats, 85#
100 steps walking lunge
20 back squats, 85#
50 box jumps, 24″ box
20 back squats, 85#
50 alternating split lunges
20 back squats, 85#
50 deep calf raises
20 back squats, 85#
50 situps
1 rope ascent