Category: . P.E. Women

WOD1: Clean, Twist and Pull
4 RFT:

20 medicine ball cleans (men 20lb, women 12lb)
15 Russian twists (left+right = 1 rep)
10 pull-ups


WOD2: Half Cindy
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Record number of rounds to comments.


WOD3: Three runs
Max effort, for total distance:
Run 5 minutes
Rest 2.5 minutes
Run 6 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Run 7 minutes

Map your distance on Post total distance to comments.

The Feast is always better if you stay active! Here is a boatload of workouts you could choose from that require little or no equipment, and some of which you could easily do in your hotel room. The runs would require some way to measure distance— would help. A couple of these use a jump rope—pack it if you’ve got it. Have fun, and enjoy a fit Feast!


Run 5K

For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backward
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backward

For time:
Run 200 meters — 40 Burpees
Run 400 meters — 30 Burpees
Run 600 meters — 20 Burpees
Run 800 meters — 10 Burpees

5 RFT of:
15 Push-ups
25 Sit-ups
35 Squats

21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Handstand Push-ups
Jumping Squats (both feet come off ground at top of squat)

For time:
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups
50 Walking lunges
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-ups

4 RFT of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:

Double alternating Tabata—20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, total of 8 minutes of:
Air squats
Post total reps for each exercise

300 Double-unders

150 Burpees

150 Push-ups
In as few sets as possible.
Be strict with form! Don’t break at the hip! Go down till chest touches floor.

150 Walking Lunges



GWOD 1: Flexibility
Hold 2 minutes Middle Split
Hold 2 minutes Right Leg Split
Hold 2 minutes Left Leg Split

GWOD 2: Strength
100 Hollow Rocks

GWOD 3: Tabata Burpees
For Reps: 8 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest (4 minutes total)

GWOD 4: Leg Swings
2 rounds of:
25 Right Leg Swings
25 Left Leg Swings



MWOD 1: Stop the Chicken Necking

MWOD 2: Surviving the Airplane Seat

MWOD 3: Fight the Airplane Fuzz

MWOD 4: 10 min Squat Test

MWOD 5: Pain Ball
Clock 10 minutes of tack and stretch with your lacrosse ball


On soccer field, with a partner—for time:
25 medball cleans each (simultaneously)
Medball wheelbarrow width of field white pole to white pole (partner on ground must push ball)
25 over-the-shoulder cleans each (share ball, each partner does 25 throws)
Medball catch length of field (person with ball must remain stationary; if ball drops, it must go back to point of last throw)
25 medball pushups each
Rotational medball throw width of field (start w/ ball at one foot, throw over opposite shoulder)
25 partner medball situps (each time ball touches ground = 1 rep)
Medball toss width of field
25 Russian twists each (left+right = 1 rep)
One lap around track with medball locked out overhead

Post thoughts to comments

WOD 1: Half Angie
For time:
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats

If you’re really ambitious, you can do Angie, which is 100 reps of each exercise. Either way the WOD is to complete all reps on each exercise before moving to the next one. Scale as needed (e.g. jumping pull-ups, push-ups on a box)


WOD 2: Dip Ball Climb
3 rounds for time:
10 dips (scale as needed, with bands)
15 wallballs, 15/8 lbs
20 mountain climbers

15 rounds for distance of:
Sprint 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds

Start each round at previous round’s end point.

Record total distance to comments.
Compare with 120201

3 rounds for time:

400m sandbag run (50/30)* (400 meters is once around the parking lot loop we’ve been using)
30 pull-ups (freshman can use jumping pull-ups if desired)

Post time and thoughts to comments.

* Sandbag run is as we did in class: Safely clean the sandbag up onto your shoulders and run. Men use 50 pounds, women use 30 pounds. To check the weight in the sandbag, each of the filler bags comes in 5, 10 and 15 pound increments. The number of stripes of red tape tells you the difference: 1 stripe = 5 lbs; 2 stripes = 10 lbs; 3 stripes = 15 lbs. Just load your bag with the correct weight before starting. To close the bag, feed the metal loop through all three holes and then clip onto it with the strap.