3 rounds for time:

400m sandbag run (50/30)* (400 meters is once around the parking lot loop we’ve been using)
30 pull-ups (freshman can use jumping pull-ups if desired)

Post time and thoughts to comments.

* Sandbag run is as we did in class: Safely clean the sandbag up onto your shoulders and run. Men use 50 pounds, women use 30 pounds. To check the weight in the sandbag, each of the filler bags comes in 5, 10 and 15 pound increments. The number of stripes of red tape tells you the difference: 1 stripe = 5 lbs; 2 stripes = 10 lbs; 3 stripes = 15 lbs. Just load your bag with the correct weight before starting. To close the bag, feed the metal loop through all three holes and then clip onto it with the strap.

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