Tag Archive: cindy

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WOD: 20 min AMRAP In teams of 3:
Partner 1 – Runs 400m with Sandbag
Partner 2 – Performs AMRAP of “Cindy” while Partner 1 is running
(5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats)
Partner 3 – Performs AMRAP of squat clean thruster (95/55)

Partner 1 runs back in to start “Cindy” AMRAP
Partner 2 moves to barbell
Partner 3 takes off with sandbag
Each 400m run counts for 10 points
Each full round of “Cindy” counts for 10 points
Each cluster counts for 1 point

AMRAP 20 minutes of:
5 Back Squats 225/155 (Use a rack for the squats)
2 Rounds of “Cindy”*

*5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats


“Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Get confident being uncertain. Don’t give up just because something is hard. Pushing through challenges is what makes you grow.”


Amrap 5 minutes of:
5 Power Cleans 95/65
5 Thrusters 95/65Rest 5 minutes, then:Amrap 10 minutes of:
3 Deadlifts 315/225
1 Round of “Cindy”

Rest 5 minutes, then:

Amrap 7 minutes of:
7 Burpees, lateral over bar
7 Hang Power Snatch 75/55

These mashup workouts are intense. In the case for the volume, loading, or anything else, scale appropriately.

Strength: Front squat 5-5-5 (1 point)
WOD: “Benchmark”: 12 min AMRAP: 200m run; 10 deadlifts (135/95); 10 burpees (3 points)

Sophs (4 points)
“Cindy”: 20 min AMRAP: 5 pull-ups; 10 push-ups; 15 squats
“Wittman”: 7 RFT: 15 KB swings (53/35); 15 power cleans (95/65); 15 box jumps (24/20) — 20 min cap

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 muscle-ups (or sub 4 pull-ups and 4 dips)
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings (2/1.5)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats