Category: . P.E. Women

Partner WOD: AMRAP in 4 minutes: (1 point)
One partner does 6 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55) while the other does 4 burpees—then switch

Endurance WOD: Sprints (3 points)
Run : rest = 1 : 1
0:00 – 10:00 — 200m sprints (around 1 bay of parking)
10:00 – 25:00 — 400m sprints (around all bays of parking) — maximum of 4, then go straight into
25:00 – 40:00 — 800m sprints (to far side of IA and back) — maximum of 3.
If you finish 8 200m runs, 4 400m runs and 3 800m runs, you get 4 points for this WOD.

Endurance WOD: Sprints (4 points)
10 x 200m sprints — 4 x 400m sprints — 3 x 800m sprints — run : rest = 1 : 1

8 rounds: 30 seconds run, 30 seconds rest (1 point)

Partner WOD: (Each pair has one medball) (3 points)
Four rounds:
Cross field behind JAFH with 1) medball wheelbarrow; 2) walking lunges with medball locked out overhead; 3) and 4) medball throw, alternating partners
Each time, go back around blacktop road to JAFH with medball catch (person with ball must remain stationary)
Once back at JAFH do 40 reps total (20 each partner) of: 1) wallballs; 2) over-the-shoulder cleans; 3) partner medball situps; 4) Russian twists each (left+right = 1 rep)

Partner WOD: Same as above, but switch every rep on the wallballs, and substitute medball cleans for over-the-shoulder cleans

Mobility: Archetype #6 (1 point)

For max total distance:
Run for 7 minutes — rest for 6 minutes
Run for 5 minutes — rest for 4 minutes
Run for 3 minutes — rest for 2 minutes
Run for 1 minute

Go hard—you get lots of rest in this one. Use a distance mapper like this one to see how far you get.

Overhead squat 5-5-5-5
Partner WOD: As many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
With only one person on the barbell at a time, and the other partner in the bottom of a squat:
For minutes 1-3, 7-8 and 11: Push presses, 75/45 lb
For minutes 4-6, 9-10 and 12: Overhead squats or front squats, 75/45 lb
Record total number of presses and total number of squats completed as a team to comments

Challenge WOD for those interested: 1775
For distance: 8 rounds of 30 seconds run, 30 seconds rest
WOD: 21-15-9 of:
Power clean, 115/75
Thruster, 115/75

Deadlift 5-5-5-5 (1 point)

WOD: In groups of 3: Three rounds, for max reps (3 points)
– Person 1: Jumping pull-ups
– Person 2: Jumping squats
– Person 3: Run 200m
– When Person 3 returns, he starts pull-ups; Person 1 moves to squats; Person 2 runs.
– Each person hits each station three times.
– Team keeps track of total pull-ups and total squats. Add these two for total score.
If numbers don’t add up: 3 RFT: 15 jumping pull-ups, 15 jumping squats, 200m run

Endurance: Every 2 minutes, 8 rounds: 80-yard shuttle sprints (2 points)
For each sprint, run 10 yards out, 10 back, 20 out, 20 back, 10 out, 10 back.
Post best and worst times to comments.

Mobility: Archetype #5 (1 point)

WOD: 3 RFT: (16 minute cap) (2 points)
200m farmer walk w/ kettlebell, 1.5/1 pood
20 medball cleans
20 kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood

Deadlift 6-6-6-6-6-6 @ 55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%

Then 10 RFT:
10 pull-ups
10 box step-ups
10 lunges

Then 3 rounds:
50 Ukrainian deadlifts w/ a kettlebell
50 Banded leg curls

Finish with a hamstring mobility smash