8 rounds: 30 seconds run, 30 seconds rest (1 point)

Partner WOD: (Each pair has one medball) (3 points)
Four rounds:
Cross field behind JAFH with 1) medball wheelbarrow; 2) walking lunges with medball locked out overhead; 3) and 4) medball throw, alternating partners
Each time, go back around blacktop road to JAFH with medball catch (person with ball must remain stationary)
Once back at JAFH do 40 reps total (20 each partner) of: 1) wallballs; 2) over-the-shoulder cleans; 3) partner medball situps; 4) Russian twists each (left+right = 1 rep)

Partner WOD: Same as above, but switch every rep on the wallballs, and substitute medball cleans for over-the-shoulder cleans

Mobility: Archetype #6 (1 point)

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