Category: .Silver Club

In groups of 3: Three rounds, for max reps:
– Person 1: Jumping pull-ups
– Person 2: Jumping squats
– Person 3: Run 200m
When Person 3 returns, he starts pull-ups; Person 1 moves to squats; Person 2 runs.
Each person hits each station three times.
Team keeps track of total pull-ups and total squats. Add these two for total score.

Russian twist (L+R=1)

Out-of-class workout:
For time:
40 Jumping squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Deadlifts
10 Push-ups

If you’re a glutton for punishment, do two rounds!

Double alternating tabata:
Overhead squats
Push-ups (during one round, do rope pull-to-stand, either from seated or from ground)
3 minutes on — 1 minute rest
2 minutes on — 1 minute rest
2 minute on

5 RFT:
10 Kettlebell swings
Run with medball, 1 lap around purple stripe

Harder version: Add 5 push-ups after the KB swings

Out-of-class workout:
21-15-9 rep rounds for time:
Walking lunges
(That means do 21 push-ups, 21 walking lunges; 15 push-ups, 15 lunges; 9 push-ups, 9 lunges)


9/1 no class (Labor Day)

5 RFT:
6 push press
5 front squats
4 jumps back and forth over a line (or 6 broad jumps)

Out-of-class workout:
7 minutes max burpees

Do it! You know you’ll feel good if you do! You love burpees!

WOD: Double alternating tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest, 8 minutes total):

Three rounds for reps, 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest each station (any order):
Ring rows
Goblet squat (with kettlebell)

Out-of-class workout 1:
10 rounds for time:
5 deadlifts (use broomstick, heavy bag, sack of potatos, whatever you’d like)
5 push-ups

And, because we don’t have class next Monday:
Out-of-class workout 2:
For distance:
Run 4 minutes—rest 2
Run 3 minutes—rest 1
Run 2 minutes

Aug. 18:
AMRAP: 4 minutes work, 2 minutes rest, 3 minutes work
5 back squats
10 seconds hollow body hold
Run, width of gym and back

Silver Club version: 5 RFT:
3 power cleans
3 push presses
6 back squats
6 hollow rocks
Run, width of gym and back

Aug. 20: Shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5

Out-of-class workout:
3 RFT:
15 mountain climbers (L+R=1)
15 squats
60 seconds hollow body hold (accumulated)


Aug. 11 WOD: Two rounds for reps:
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 3 minutes
6 lunges (3 each leg) (more difficult: walking lunges)
6 mountain climbers (L+R=1)
6 medball deadlifts
Rest 2 minutes

Aug. 13 WOD: Double alternating tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest):
front squat, burpee
3 minutes on — 2 minute rest
2 minutes on — 1 minute rest
2 minutes on

Out-of-class workout:
For reps and distance:
Walking lunges, 2 minutes
Run, 3 minutes (try run 90 seconds, then run back to start point)
Squat, 2 minutes
If necessary, take 1 minute rest between exercises