Category: .Endurance/Marathon

“There’s a lot to live for. Tragedy defines you and refines you. But it doesn’t stop you.”

Some people run for the sheer challenge of completion. Some run as a “bucket list” goal. Some run for the love of the run itself. Some run for the adrenaline-packed experience wrapped up in marathoning…in racing, in general. Some run to beat a previous personal record. Some (most) run to remember. Heretofore, I’ve checked all of the above as my reasons for running…

But some run, for someone they personally know that endured a loss (or lossES) on that day in 1995…

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3 sets of:
150 meter sprint, 20 walking lunges
100 meter sprint, 20 walking lunges
50 meter sprint, 20 walking lunges
Rest 3-4 minutes BETWEEN SETS and ZERO REST between intervals. (Rest between sets includes walk to starting point.)


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

10 box jumps (24/20)
15 kettlebell clean and jerks
20 double unders


5x800m runs with 2:30 rest in between

3-3-3-3-3-3-3 deadlift
*work up to new 3-rep max

WOD: Fran
Thrusters, 95/65

15 rounds for total distance:
Row 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds

Record total meters rowed to comments.

Run for 35 minutes
Every 5 minutes, stop and perform 15 burpees

Post distance to comments.