Tag Archive: row

3 RFT of:
Row 300 meters
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

BtW median for Rx’d men: 8:35

From mainsite

The Moose Is Loose

I thought I’d share a workout I did today down at the local Crossfit Gym.

Warm Up:
Run or Row 100m @ 60% intensity
50 Jumping Jacks
Run or Row 100m @ 70%
40 Mountain Climbers
Run or Row 100m @ 80%
30 Air Squats
Run or Row 100m @ 90%
20 Push-Ups
Run or Row 100m @100%
10 Pull-Ups

Main Course:
100 Over-Head Squats (Rx’d @ 40kg) For Time

At the top of every minute do 3 burpees while the clock is still running and then with the remainder of the minute you will do as many squats as possible. Repeat until you reach 100 squat reps.

8 Sets of Tabata Rows 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest

For time:

10 muscle-ups
100 push press, 75 lbs
1000m row

Beyond the Whiteboard median (for Rx’d): 11:02

From mainsite

Sometime this coming week, all sophomores in P.E. must complete:

Men: 6K row for time
Women: 5K row for time

Please post or e-mail Mr.H your time.

In teams of four or five, divided approximately evenly between men and women:

Five stations, 2:30 at each station with 30 seconds rest between each, of:

Row (calories) + push-ups (two people rowing at a time, everyone else doing push-ups)
Pull-ups (band-assisted if necessary; no jumping pull-ups)
Medicine ball cleans (sophs: 30,25/15; frosh: 15/8)
Power cleans (sophs: 115/75; frosh: 95/65) – one men’s bar, one women’s bar

Total score = total number of reps completed; row = number of calories
In sophomore class, we multiplied the score for the teams of four by 5, and the teams of five by 4—except for the row, which score we multiplied by 4 for every team.

In teams of two ….

Row 3,000 m (Alternate every 500 m)
AMRAP while partner is rowing:
15 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpees

Score is row time and total reps of AMRAP

Consult “INSTRUCTION VIDEOS” if you don’t know about hollow rocks.

From CrossFit OKC