Tag Archive: hollow rock

5 RFT of:
Row 500m
20 Hollow rocks

3 rounds for total reps of:

30 seconds of Deadlifts @ Bodyweight (or 60% of 4RM)
30 seconds of Hand-Release Push-ups
30 seconds of Hollow Rocks
30 seconds of KB Swings, 1.5/1 pood

Rest 1:00 between rounds. Post reps per exercise for each round to comments.

From CrossFit Endurance

In teams of two ….

Row 3,000 m (Alternate every 500 m)
AMRAP while partner is rowing:
15 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpees

Score is row time and total reps of AMRAP

Consult “INSTRUCTION VIDEOS” if you don’t know about hollow rocks.

From CrossFit OKC