I thought I’d share a workout I did today down at the local Crossfit Gym.

Warm Up:
Run or Row 100m @ 60% intensity
50 Jumping Jacks
Run or Row 100m @ 70%
40 Mountain Climbers
Run or Row 100m @ 80%
30 Air Squats
Run or Row 100m @ 90%
20 Push-Ups
Run or Row 100m @100%
10 Pull-Ups

Main Course:
100 Over-Head Squats (Rx’d @ 40kg) For Time

At the top of every minute do 3 burpees while the clock is still running and then with the remainder of the minute you will do as many squats as possible. Repeat until you reach 100 squat reps.

8 Sets of Tabata Rows 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest

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