Tag Archive: pull-up

21-15-9 reps for time of:
box jumps, 24″/20″
goblet squats (1.5 pood kb/1 pood kb) — here is a video on how to do the goblet squat

500 reps

2 RFT:

50 pull-ups
75 sit-ups
50 overhead squats, 75lb
75 double-unders

BtW median time: 28:12
From mainsite

Oct 23

800 m run
Rest 2 minutes
Double Tabata of kettle bell swings and pull-ups


Two double alternating tabatas, with 3 minutes rest in between:

Wallballs (15,8) and jumping alternating lunges (each lunge = 1 rep)
Pull-ups (jumping pull-up = 1 rep, real pull-up = 2 reps) and sit-ups

Post total reps in each exercise and total total

Sept. 23


3 squat cleans (155/85)

5 handstand push-ups

7 ghd sit-ups

9 pull-ups

WOD 1: Half Angie
For time:
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats

If you’re really ambitious, you can do Angie, which is 100 reps of each exercise. Either way the WOD is to complete all reps on each exercise before moving to the next one. Scale as needed (e.g. jumping pull-ups, push-ups on a box)


WOD 2: Dip Ball Climb
3 rounds for time:
10 dips (scale as needed, with bands)
15 wallballs, 15/8 lbs
20 mountain climbers