Category: . P.E. Women

6x run for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute—for total distance

In teams of four:
2 rounds for total reps, one minute at each station:
Wallball shots
Sumo deadlift high pull
Box jumps (18”)
Push press

Add all team members’ reps together, divide by number of team members. Highest average per person wins.

3 rounds for time:

800m run
20 front squats @ 65#

In teams of four …

WOD 1: Tens
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
One teammate per exercise:
10 wallballs
10 push-ups
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings
All four teammates must finish their reps before everyone rotates to the next exercise.

WOD 2: Deadlift Relay
5 minute AMrAP:
Each teammate performs 3 deadlifts, 95 lbs.
At top of third lift, transfer barbell to next teammate—without dropping the bar.
Anytime the barbell is dropped, the whole team does a 6-burpee penalty before proceeding.

Record scores for each WOD and thoughts to comments.

Teams of 3
Three rounds for reps of:
Team member #1: Run 200m
Team member #2: Jumping pull-ups
Team member #3: Wallball shots
When #1 gets back from the run, she replaces #2, who then replaces #3, who goes on the next run.
Each team member should do each exercise three times.
Count total pull-ups and wallballs and add them together for team score.

Record team score and thoughts to comments.

18-minute AMRAP:
Run 1.5 miles
Clean and jerks

5 RFT:
7 push press
7 front squat
7 kettlebell swings
7 broad jumps

15 min. AMRAP—in teams of three:
15 box jumps
15 push ups
One person can do the work at a time. While a team member is doing box jumps, the other two hold a squat. While she does push-ups, the other two hold a plank.

For both men’s and women’s P.E. …

3 RFT:
Run 400m
12 deadlifts, 135/95 lb
21 burpees