Category: . P.E. Women

Freshmen women:
Sumo deadlift high pull, 45lb
Wallball shots, 14lb, 10-foot target
Russian twists with the medball

Back squat 5-5-5
Bench press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5

Freshmen women:
In groups of three–three rounds for reps:
Person one: Run 200m
Person two: Jumping pull-ups
Person three: Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
When person one returns, take the place of person two, who takes the place of person three, who runs.

Back squat 5-5-5
Shoulder press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5

Freshmen women:
Double alternating tabatas:
Overhead squat, 45 lb
Push-up or rope climb
3 minutes on—1 minute off—2 on, 1 off—2 on

Sophomore women:

Back squat 5-5-5
Press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5

Freshmen women:
5 RFT:
7 push press, 45 lb
7 front squat, 45 lb
7 broad jumps

Bench press 5-5-5
Power clean – find 3RM

Freshmen women:
Three rounds for reps, 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest each station (any order):
Ring rows
Goblet squat (with kettlebell)
— Keep track of total reps for each round, and total for all three

Soph women:

Back squat 5-5-5
Shoulder press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5

Out-of-class workout:

•• Out-of-class WOD:
For reps and distance (3 points):
Walking lunges, 2 minutes
Run, 3 minutes (try run 90 seconds, then run back to start point)
Squat, 2 minutes

Find 5RM:
Shoulder press

Squat 5-5-5
Bench press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5