Freshmen women:
Three rounds for reps, 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest each station (any order):
Ring rows
Goblet squat (with kettlebell)
— Keep track of total reps for each round, and total for all three
Soph women:
Back squat 5-5-5
Shoulder press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5
Out-of-class workout:
•• Out-of-class WOD:
For reps and distance (3 points):
Walking lunges, 2 minutes
Run, 3 minutes (try run 90 seconds, then run back to start point)
Squat, 2 minutes
Great job, frosh women!
Back squat: 235-235-235 – First set felt awesome. Third set not so awesome.
Press: 130(f4)-130(f5)-130(f4)
Deadlift: 355(f5) – couldn’t keep my grip! Went ahead and did a set at 350, and had no problems, no regripping needed.
My arms felt nice and tired after this workout! Lots of fun.
Back squat 155 (+10)
Shoulder press 95
Deadlift 265
Squat: 220-220-220
Press: 105-105-105
Deadlift: 250