Tag Archive: power clean

Dec 31

2 RFT:

25 pull-ups

25 front squats (115/65)

25 sit-ups

25 power cleans (115/65)

6 rounds for time-

5 power cleans (135/95#)

15 burpees

In-class SWOD:
Max reps shoulder press (85/55), straight into push press, straight into push jerk, and for punishment gluttons, straight into split jerk.


WOD: Fight Gone Fair-to-Middlin
3 rounds for time, 1 minute each exercise, for reps:

Wallball shots, 15/8
Box jumps, 24/18
Power cleans 95/65 (sophs); Deadlifts 95/65 (frosh)
Shuttle runs, gym width; each purple stripe touch = 1 rep

Post total reps accumulated to comments


Five rounds of:

3 Power Cleans, 70% of 1RM
6 Deadhang Pull-ups
100m Shuttle (50m down/back)

From CrossFit Endurance

July 16 | Chipper

10 back squats (95/55)
10 box jumps
10 thrusters (95/55)
10 toes-to-bar
10 power snatches (95/55)
10 burpees
10 power cleans (95/55)
10 handstand push-ups
10 deadlifts (95/65)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups


AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 Hang Power Cleans, 105/75 pounds
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats

From CrossFit Endurance
