In coed teams of 4, complete:
160 snatches (75/45)
80 pull-ups
160 thrusters (75/45)

*Only one athlete can work at a time, alternating between M, F, M, F.  In order for the reps to count, 2 athletes must be holding a 245-lb. barbell in a static position at the waist. (Any reps performed while deadlift is not held at the waist will not count)  Teammates may rotate through the snatches, pull-ups, thrusters and deadlift static hold until all reps have been completed. Each teammate must complete at least 10 pull-ups
Time cap: 25 min

Cash out:
200m front rack walk (53/35)

Squat 3-3-3-ME @ 60-70-75-85% 1RM
WOD2: In coed teams of 4, complete for time, with one team member completing each portion:
150 Wall-Ball shots (14/12)

30 clean and jerks (95/65)

21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlifts (185/115)
Handstand push-ups (scale: shoulder presses, 75/55)

75 snatches (75/45)

*Athlete 1 begins Karen.  Once Athlete 1 finishes the 150th wall-ball shot, slap hands with Athlete 2 who will then begin Grace.  Continue until Athlete 4 completes the 75th snatch.

Cash out:
For time: 4 sets of L-sit hold

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