Category: . P.E. Women

2 min. max sit-ups
300 meter shuttle run
Waist measurement, belly button height

Record results, comparison with results from beginning of semester, and thoughts to comments.

Partner WOD:
For time, in any order, each perform:
20 partner-assisted pull-ups
40 partner one-hand-clap push-ups
60 partner medball sit-ups
80 squats together, rep-for-rep

Awesome! That is a lot of barbell activity!

In co-ed teams of 5:

WOD #1: Field Work
Race 1: Wheelbarrows and lunges, width of field and back — 1st place = 2 points; 2nd place = 1 point
Race 2: Fireman carry/piggyback and broad jumps, width of field and back — same points
Race 3: Sprint Relay—width and back — same points

WOD #2: Conga line
Two rounds, for total reps as a team:
Each team members does max reps pull-ups and max reps kettlebell swings, 2 pd, 1.5 pd … or …
Each team members does max reps wallballs (20/14 lb) and max reps push-ups
1st place team = 4 points; 2nd place = 3 points; 3rd place = 2 points; 4th place = 1 point

WOD #3: Ground to overhead
For time: 75 clean and jerks (135/115/85/65) as a team—two bars going at a time, switch as needed
Points awarded from 5 to 1, based on placing

Team with most points wins.


Strength: (Men only)

Endurance: Three runs:
1) Run 1K exactly at 5K pace. Rest 2 to 3 minutes.
2) Run 1K 10 seconds faster. Rest 2 to 3 minutes.
3) Run 1K 10 seconds faster than round 2.

WOD: For time:
25 wallballs, 20/14 lb
25 push-ups
25 kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood
25 walking lunges
25 deadlifts, 155/95 lb
25 burpees

Textbook hang clean position, Tyler—ready for work!

Strength: (Men only)

Endurance: EMOM, 8 rounds: Suicides

WOD: Teams of 2: AMRAP in 13 minutes
Partner 1: 5 hang power cleans; 5 thrusters, 95/55 lb
Partner 2: 5 burpees; 10 sit-ups
Wheelbarrow, width of gym and back


Impressive teamwork, fellas!

Strength: Your choice (men only)

Run 4 min.—rest 2
Run 3 min—rest 1
Run 2 min

WOD: Partner WOD
6 RFT:
10 partner deadlifts (50% of combined 1RM deadlifts)
6 bar-facing burpees
Fireman carry (women piggyback ride) width of gym and back, switch as needed


Strength: Your choice (men only)

Endurance: 10 minute time trial (run 10 minutes for max distance)

Women’s WOD: EMOM for 12 min:
3 power cleans
For remainder of minute, do burpees one minute, sit-ups the next, for total reps.

Men’s WOD: EMOM for 12 min:
2 squat cleans @ 55% 1RM back squat
For remainder of minute, do burpees one minute, sit-ups the next, for total reps.