Textbook hang clean position, Tyler—ready for work!
Strength: (Men only)
Endurance: EMOM, 8 rounds: Suicides
WOD: Teams of 2: AMRAP in 13 minutes
Partner 1: 5 hang power cleans; 5 thrusters, 95/55 lb
Partner 2: 5 burpees; 10 sit-ups
Wheelbarrow, width of gym and back
I like learning new moves; the hang clean definitely gets hard to hold onto and I made it up the rope about halfway which is a step up from having to lie on the ground usually.
I liked the variety today – switching between so many movements in this workout was great. I think Panayi I were only about 30 seconds or under behind the leader each time. I love partner workouts.
Strength: Bench press 5-5-5: 155-160-160(f5)
Endurance: The suicides were tough! I was around 25 seconds each round, but definitely felt myself slowing down the last two rounds.
WOD: David Michels and I got 5 rounds in 13 minutes and a little bit—we finished the wheelbarrows after time had expired. David—great job on that barbell!
The suicides definitely made this work out harder than probably normal. I liked how we changed things up mid-workout; it kept us thinking more about what’s next rather than when it will end.
Strength: 115 lbs bench press 3×5
WOD: 3 rounds
115 lbs bench press 3×5
WOD: 3 rounds
Emma and I finished only a little bit after the first team finished on each round. I believe on one round, we stopped 23 seconds after the timer started.