Category: . P.E. Women

PE 1/30

Short Intervals: 0:30 on, 0:30 rest; continue for 10 rounds or until form or pace deteriorates
WOD: 3 rounds for time
25 pull-ups
25 abmat sit-ups

Strength: 7-7-7-7 front squat
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP40 double-unders
10 toes-to-bar
10 front squats (135/95)


PE 1/25

Long intervals
3 x 10 min run 5K goal pace
*rest 3 minutes between intervals

8 rounds each for time of:
10 push-ups
200m sprint
*rest 2 minutes between rounds


Short intervals– 6 x 200m with :60 rest
WOD– 10 round alternating bottom Tabata Squat followed by 1 mile run

WOD– 15 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps (24/20″)
14 kettlebell clean and jerks (53/35)
20 double-uners

The Herbert W. Armstrong College Fitness Challenge and Powerlifting Meet

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In teams of 4 to 6; x=number of people in your group. All runs should be as a group; on work, only half the group can work at a time (if 4 people, 2 can work; if 5, 3 can work). For time:

Run: From JAFH—around south soccer goal—around north goal—back to JAFH.
Ground to overhead, 10x total reps (number of people times 10): 2 people per barbell, ~85% 1RM
Run: Same route, this time each person with PVC pipe held overhead.
Pull-ups, 30x reps
Run: Same route, but each person farmer’s carry 2 dumbbells or kettlebells each 20-40 lbs.
Broad jumps, 1x distance of full length of basketball court and back.
Run: Same route, each person with PVC overhead as before.
Rope climbs, 4x reps (2x reps for women; if necessary 4 ground-to-stand pulls = 1 rope climb).
Run: Same route, no weight. Time stops when last person enters JAFH door.

Go hard and have fun! Post time and thoughts to comments.