Short intervals– 6 x 200m with :60 rest
WOD– 10 round alternating bottom Tabata Squat followed by 1 mile run
WOD– 15 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps (24/20″)
14 kettlebell clean and jerks (53/35)
20 double-uners
Short intervals– 6 x 200m with :60 rest
WOD– 10 round alternating bottom Tabata Squat followed by 1 mile run
WOD– 15 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps (24/20″)
14 kettlebell clean and jerks (53/35)
20 double-uners
I was able to complete 7 rounds. I loved this workout! I started off by setting a pace and I was able to keep the same pace for the duration of the workout.
I was able to complete 7.5 rounds! Switching sizes of the kettle bell really slowed me down but I was happy to see I could actually do it Rx’d. I actually like this workout haha minus the bruise I gave myself with the clean and jerks :).
I completed 6 rounds. 🙂
Intense training yet very fulfilling. My highest time fo the short interval run is 1:45 and the lowest is 1:37. For the 1 mile run, my time is 12:37 minutes. I’ll strive to be better every training.
I loved this one. I was able to do 7.5 rounds