40 box jumps, 30″
40 push-ups
40 medball cleans, 16lb
25 lh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 rh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 Bulgarian split squats, left
25 Bulgarian split squats, right
40 mountain climbers
40 burpees
Category: .Your WODs
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Push press, 45lb
Double unders
12 minute AMRAP:
10 push-ups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
Push jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Solving the Front Rack Problems
Short Interval-Run: 8 x 200m, rest 0:45, hold splits within 2-3 seconds
Long Interval- Run: Repeat 5:00, recover 3:00, until form/pace deteriorates
Time Trial- Run: 2k
For QUALITY, perform:
- Handstand Hold Against Wall for 3 minutes
- Everytime you break, perform 20 Hollow Rocks
AMRAP in 12 min:
4 Kettlebell Snatch (one arm – L)s, 1.5 pood
4 Kettlebell Snatch (one arm – R)s, 1.5 pood
4 L Sit Pull Ups
4 Box Jumps, 36 in
Bear Crawl, 60 ft
Record rounds completed to comments.