40 box jumps, 30″
40 push-ups
40 medball cleans, 16lb
25 lh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 rh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 Bulgarian split squats, left
25 Bulgarian split squats, right
40 mountain climbers
40 burpees
Ad Hoc
40 box jumps, 30″
40 push-ups
40 medball cleans, 16lb
25 lh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 rh kettlebell jerks, 35lb
25 Bulgarian split squats, left
25 Bulgarian split squats, right
40 mountain climbers
40 burpees
Using what equipment I’ve got!
My bro-in-law’s equipment stash and in his backyard in Oregon.
Didn’t time this, but was able to keep moving throughout.
Enjoyed it!