Tag Archive: power clean

5 RFT:

10 power cleans, 135/95 lb
15 wallballs, 20/12 lb

Beyond the Whiteboard mean: 10:35
From mainsite

May 9

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans (135/75)
6 pull-ups
9 push-ups

Rest 1 minute.  Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.

For students departing from the Wendler cycle:

SWOD 1: Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 (how-to video)

SWOD 2: Power clean 3-3-3-3-3 (video)
Remember, these are max efforts. Try to go up in weight each set, going as heavy as you can without your form degrading.

SWOD 3: Weighted pull-up 5-5-3-3-1
Good method to get the weight on: video; here is another video with lots of variations, but mute your sound before you click on it! The noise in the background is hideous.

Apr 11

21 deadlifts (115/65)
800m run
21 front squats
400m run
21 power cleans
200m run

5 rounds of 7 reps of:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press

One “rep” includes 1 movement of each exercise.  Perform these movements a total of 7 times in succession for one “round”. The weight may not be dropped during any of the 7 reps.  Must be touch and go.  However, this workout is not timed, so rest as needed between the 5 rounds (just not the 7 reps).

Increase the weight between each round, working up to your max.

For time:
21 power cleans (95/65)
400m run
21 push press
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run