Tag Archive: push jerk

Feb 26

7 rounds for time of:
7 push jerk
7 kettlebell swings
7 burpees


Medium Intensity:
5 Rounds

3 Power Jerks
5 Slow Toes 2 Bar


High Intensity:
3 Rounds

50 Double Unders
25 Burpees
25 Abmat Sit-Ups


Low Intensity:
3 Rounds

5 Goblet Squat plus 3 Second Hold
10 Windmills

WOD courtesy http://www.kodacrossfit.com/

SWOD 1: Push jerk 3-3-3-1-1
Watch this video and enjoy learning this explosive movement

SWOD 2: Dumbbell thrusters (video)
Do a set of 10 at a lighter weight. As many times as possible, go up in weight and do another set of 10. When you hit a weight at which you can no longer do 10, complete 25 reps in as many sets as necessary.

SWOD 3: Back squat 12×2 (12 sets of 2 reps), every 45 seconds, dynamic effort @ 65% of back squat 4RM
The purpose of a “dynamic effort” is bar speed. The weight is lighter, so strive to make each rep as explosive as possible, driving up rapidly from the bottom of each squat.



Five rounds of: 
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Push jerk

Post load and time.

beyond the whiteboard mean time – 10:00