1: Back squat 6×6: 55% – 60% – 65% – 70% – 75% – 80% (~20 minutes)
2: 3 RFT: 25 squats, 5 snatch-grip deadlift @ bodyweight, 10 toes-to-bar
3: 3 rounds: 10 dumbbell shrugs, 10 dumbbell curls
4: 5 rounds: Front leaning rest: 1 min. on, 1 min. rest
1: Back squat 6×6: 55% – 60% – 65% – 70% – 75% – 80% (~20 minutes)
2: 3 RFT: 25 squats, 5 snatch-grip deadlift @ bodyweight, 10 toes-to-bar
3: 3 rounds: 10 dumbbell shrugs, 10 dumbbell curls
4: 5 rounds: Front leaning rest: 1 min. on, 1 min. rest
Great job everyone on the benchmarks today—that was great!
1: 135-150-160-175-190-200
2: 3:43 @ 175lb
3: @40lb
4: finished.
Enjoyed it!
1. 155-165-175-195-205-225
2. 3:47 @185
3. subbed 4 rounds of 10 strict chin ups
4. rx’d