WOD 1 (3 pts):
10 rounds for reps:
30 seconds of burpees
30 seconds of rest
30 seconds of dumbbell thrusters (40/20)
30 seconds of rest
Silver Club version: 7 rounds

WOD 2 (3 pts)
3 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots (20/14)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/45)
20 box jumps (20″)
20 push presses (75/45)
400m run
Rest 1 minute

Silver Club version: 3 rounds for time of: 10 wall-ball shots (14/10), 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (55/35), 10 box jumps or step-ups (10″), 10 push presses (55/35), 200m run, Rest 1 minute

WOD 3 (3 pts)
15 minute AMRAP
5 reps of bear complex (95/65)
200m medball run (20/14)
*1 bear complex rep consists of a clean, front squat, push press, back squat, and push press)


SWOD 1 (2 pts):
1. Snatch: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
2. Clean and Jerk: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
3. Core strength (YOUR CHOICE)

SWOD 2 (2 pts):
Snatch Balance: Work up to a 3 RM, then using the same weight:
5 rounds: EMOM, perform, 1x snatch balance with 5 second pause in receiving position

SWOD 3 (1pt): Deadlift 5×1

GYMNASTICS (1 pt each)

GWOD 1For QUALITY (2pts)
20 Hollow Rocks 
30 Superman Rocks 

10 Squats 
Hold bottom of Squat  1 minute
10 Sit Up to Straddles 
Hold bottom of Pancake Split  1 minute

GWOD 3: PRACTICE for 10 minutes:
Forward Roll  to  Pistol 

MOBILITY (1 pt each)

MWOD 1:  Anterior Neck

MWOD 2:  Ankle

MWOD 3 : Hip Capsule

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