Challenge WOD (3 pts): 20 minute AMRAP:
5 power snatches (95/65)
10 front squats (95/65)
400m run

Silver Club version: 12 minute AMRAP: 5 power snatches, 5 front squats, 200m run

WOD 2 (3 pts): 3RFT:
40 air squats
20 hang power cleans (115/75)

Silver Club version: 3RFT: 25 air squats, 10 hang power cleans (65/35)

WOD 3 (3 pts): reps of back squat (185/135)
30 double unders after each round

Edstone WOD 1 (3 pts): 15 minute AMRAP:
10 mountain climbers
10 push-up
10 hollow rocks
10 sit-ups

Edstone WOD 2 (2 pts): Broomstick Mile
As a team, complete all moves in synchrony with a pvc pipe or broomstick, everyone stays together for every rep. The run is done in formation at the pace of the slowest runner.
25 Back Squats
25 Front Squats
25 Overhead Squats
Run 400 meters
25 Shoulder Press
25 Push Press
25 Push-Jerk
Run 400 meters
50 Squat Cleans
Run 400 meters
50 Snatches
Run 400 meters

STRENGTH (1 pt each)

SWOD 1 : Bench Press 5×3

SWOD 2:  Back Squat 5×3

SWOD 3: Deadlift 5×1



EWOD 1 (1 pt)Short interval: Run: 4 rounds of 90s on, :60s off

EWOD 2 (1 pt): Long interval: Run: Repeat 800m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates

EWOD 3 (2 pts): Choose ONE of the following
Bike: 10M @ 80%
Run: 10k @ 80%
Row: 10k @ 80%
Ruck: 5k @ 80%


GYMNASTICS (1 pt each)

Strict Rings Muscle Up 
High Box Jump 

20 Side Leg Swings 
2 minute Hip Capsule MOB
Hold Pancake Split  2 minutes
Hold Middle Split  2 minutes

GWOD 3: PRACTICE for 10 minutes:
Backward Roll Progression Pt.1 
Backward Roll Progression Pt.2
Backward Roll Progression Pt.3
Backward Roll Progression Pt.4


MOBILITY (1 pt each)

MWOD 1:  Anterior Neck

MWOD 2:  Ankle

MWOD 3 : Hip Capsule

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