5 rounds for time of:
5 push-press
8 jumping squats
1 lap carrying medball
The community speaks:
- Mary Changa wanje on HWACFCPM!!
- Isaiah on Swans in Flight 5K Results
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 1/20
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 1/26
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 2/3
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 2/10
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 2/19
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 2/24
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 3/2
- Kathleen Hochstetler on PE week of 2/10
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 12/9
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 12/2
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/25
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/18
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/11
Recent most-completed WODs
200m run 400m run 500m row 800m run back squat box jump burpee chest-to-bar pull-up clean clean and jerk deadlift dip double-under farmer's walk front squat ghd sit-up goblet squat handstand push-up hang power clean kettlebell swing knees-to-elbows medicine ball clean muscle-up overhead squat power clean power snatch pull-up push-up push jerk push press ring dip rope climb row run shoulder press sit-up sprint squat squat clean sumo deadlift high pull thruster toes-to-bar walking lunge wallball wall ball shotArchives