Men—as a group, with sandbags:
Run to soccer field
Tire tosses and flips down soccer field and back
500m Tire carry
600m Backward run/sandbag run
10 Push-ups in square (feet of another man on your back)
10 Partner clapping push-ups
200m Swim across 7-acre lake
Bridge jumping
Women—as a group, half of group with medicine balls (8 to 12 lbs)
Two-mile cross-country course, with these obstacles:
25 partner ball slams
25 walking lunges (with medballs)
160m Piggyback ride (switch as needed)
Medball wheelbarrow length of field goal to goal (partner on ground must push ball)
25 partner medball situps (each time ball touches ground = 1 rep)
400m run with medballs locked out overhead
200m medball partner toss back and forth while running
50 squats—all together (with medballs)
Awesome, men! Thanks Joel Hudson for coming up with the men’s workout.
That was a whole lot of fun.
The swim was ridiculously difficult. And I even took my shoes off.
But the pond was surprisingly refreshing!
This was so much fun! I really enjoyed it. 🙂
That was a great WOD to do together as a group, that’s for sure. Even when some of us *cough*me*cough* weren’t capable of everything, everyone pulled together and helped each other out, which was really nice. Thanks girls. 🙂
I loved everything except for the squats. Great bonding session, awesome how there were enough activities to cover everyone’s abilities.