GWOD: Max effort plank

BA Partner WOD: With a partner, complete (in any order):
70 double-unders
60 kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood
50 medball cleans
40 broad jumps
30 dips
20 dumbbell squat clean, 30/15 lb

Only one partner can work at a time. The other partner must sit in the bottom of a squat.


Strength: DE: Bench Press 8×2 @ 65% 1RM

CFE WOD: AMRAP in 10:00 of:
10 Front Squat (from the floor), 95/65
12 Pull-ups


TM: “Kelly”
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters (5 laps in gym)
30 Box jump, 24/20” box
30 Wall ball shots, 20/12 lb ball

Mr.H PR: 25:36
BtW median: men 29:42; women 31:34

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