7:31 rx’d
This was a great WOD. Want to give it another go. The overhead lunges did a number on the shoulders, which made the rest of the workout rough.
Great effort from everyone yesterday.
That took it all out of me. 17:17 with 5 thrusters 45lb, then 25 front squats. Cleans stayed at 45lb. Good workout though. Will do it again when the shoulder has recovered.
7:31 rx’d
This was a great WOD. Want to give it another go. The overhead lunges did a number on the shoulders, which made the rest of the workout rough.
Great effort from everyone yesterday.
That took it all out of me. 17:17 with 5 thrusters 45lb, then 25 front squats. Cleans stayed at 45lb. Good workout though. Will do it again when the shoulder has recovered.
12:12, rx’d
The pull-ups and the thrusters were the hardest for me. Shew!
12:24, thrusters 45 & cleans 65