In-class GWOD: 100 burpees for time
Partner WOD: Fifties
With a partner, complete (in any order):
50 wallball shots (15-20/8-10)
50 medball cleans
50 broad jumps
50 knees to elbows
50 deadlifts, 135/95
Only one partner can work at a time. The other partner must hold a plate overhead (25/45). Switch as needed; plate must stay overhead even when transferring plate from one partner to the other. Any time the plate drops, both partners must immediately complete a 5-burpee penalty before proceeding.
16:00 with Jordy for the Fifties. I forget my exact time for the burpees, but it was a bit over twelve minutes.
partnered with Justin Goodearl. Time was 14.33
Burpee challenge – 6.40
this was brutal. Me and Michael got 16:15
16:15 this was the worst workout of the year
This was bordering on torture…
My partner was Victoria Lancaster, with time 14:23min.
One thing I liked about this one was that because you could see your partner suffering with the weight over head, you tried harder yourself to finish your certain number quicker so you could relieve them of the weight.
cant believe i did 100 burpies!!!
Partner was Kiall Lorenz. I think that was a pretty good workout. And I can’t believe that I did 100 burpees. That was really difficult
Lauren and I did this together. I can’t find the paper with our time on it. Lauren? 🙂
The 100 burpees was tough.
I found it – 18:48
Daryle and I completed this workout in 11:10
100 burpees is a lot, I got 8:06.
The workout was brutal. We had something like 20 min.