2-min push-up challenge

In class EWOD:
EWOD = 8 x 20:10 of shuttle sprints the full length of gym (4 minutes total of run for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds; just continue running from wherever you stopped)


WOD: Golden Corral Buffet, part 2

  1. Choose 1 of these: dip; burpee; double-under; row (calories)
  2. Choose 1 of these: wallball shot; medball clean; deadlift (~60% 4RM); shoulder press (~60% 4RM)
  3. Choose 1 or 2 of these ways to cross the width of gym, purple stripe to purple stripe: broad jump, bear crawl, backward run, carioca

The workout is AMRAP in 9 minutes:
9 reps of the first exercise
9 reps of the second
1 trip the width of gym and back (using 1 method both ways, or 1 down, 1 back)

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