Category: > Mobility

Front Squat @60% x 2 reps x 15 sets, keeping rest between sets low

In order to get a good pistol in your arsenal of skills, the ankle needs full range of motion. Here’s a great tip to help improve those tight ankles: video here

Short Interval: Run: repeat :30s on, :30s off until form/pace deteriorates
Long Interval: Run: Repeat 800m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates
Tempo | Time Trial: Row 1000m for time

Practice for 10 minutes: Blocking Movement for Quality Pull Ups

5-5-5-5-5 back squat
Set bar at 80% your one rep max; work your way up to a new 5 rep PR

Protect those heel cords! Watch this video.

5 RFT:
Row 500m
35 sit-ups

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
Max pull-ups on the odd minute
Max dips on the even minute

From Mark’s Daily Apple

A lot of people who embrace the standup workstation thing think the work stops once you stand up. But, like barefoot runners who toss the shoes and rush into 10ks and marathons and end up injuring themselves, workers who ditch the chairs and spend full workdays on their feet without thinking about how to stand often end up in pain. They don’t realize what kind of stress standing – often in the same place – for hours at a time can place on their bodies. It’s not enough to just stand. You have to do it right, and you have to make adjustments and move and stay on top of things to do it right.

Here are 15 tips:

The New York Times describes recent studies showing why stretching before exercise is not a good idea. This is why we do dynamic stretches instead—leg swings, toy soldiers, high knees, Spiderman, karaoka and so on.


MWOD 1: Great calf stretch. Four minutes of stretching each foot. For math-challenged, that’s 8 minutes total for all bipeds.

MWOD 2: Lengthen the psoas (deep muscle in the hip). Four minutes on each hip.

5/365: Amazing shoulder mobilizer—help your external rotation on the ring dip!

6/365: Internal rotation for shoulder position

7/365: Good one for the hips, and helping to keep your knees out at the bottom of the squat

8/365: Amazing stretch for outside of legs and glutes—strengthen your bottom squat position