Category: . P.E. Women

Endurance WOD (1 pt):
5 rounds:
Run 30m @ 75% speed, 40m @ full sprint
Recover: slow jog back to starting line

WOD (3 pts):
AMRAP in 8 min:
5 hang power snatch, 95/55
10 Over-bar burpees

If you beat 7 rounds (Mr. H’s result), you get an extra point.

4 RFT:
Run 400m
50 squats

Ten rounds for distance:
Run 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds


Three attempts at a 1RM shoulder press

Teams of 3—AMRAP in 20 minutes—1 person working at a time (2 at a time on sit-ups):
75 kettlebell swings, 1 pood
75 sit-ups
75 deadlifts
75 double-unders
75 box jumps, 20″
Post total number of reps to comments

Back squat 5-5-5
Deadlift 5

Freshmen women:
Tabata (20:10 work:rest) throughout:
3 minutes of thrusters, 45lb
6 minutes alternating between dips and jumping alternating lunges
3 minutes of deadlifts, 45lb

Score is least reps during a 20 second period of each exercise

Back squat 5-5-5
Bench press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5