8 Tabata intervals of push-ups, followed by sit-ups and then squats. There is no rest between exercises.
8 Tabata intervals of push-ups, followed by sit-ups and then squats. There is no rest between exercises.
For time:
30 burpees
30 wallball shots (20/12)
30 sit-ups
30 box jumps
30 dumbbell push-press (40/20)
30 pull-ups
30 steps walking lunge with med ball overhead
Perform one round of Tabata squats followed immediately with a 1 mile run.
Post total number of squats and mile time to comments.
*One Tabata interval = 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Choose one of the following WOD’s:
Cleans & Ring Dips (135/65)
21 cleans
400m run
15 cleans
400m run
9 cleans
400m run