Tag Archive: row

30 Rows

30 rounds for distance of:
Row 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Post distance to comments.

BtW median distance: 4,475 meters
From mainsite

Hello students! At the beginning of the semester you did a row to measure your fitness level. Now at the end of the semester you’ll do it again to see how much progress you’ve made. Complete this at some point between now and when you take your P.E. final next week.

Freshmen: Row 2K

Sophomore women: Row 5K

Sophomore men: Row 6K

Push yourself! Compare your time with the beginning of the semester. Please post your progress!

Freshmen–using the instruction from class on rowing …

Row: 250m – 500m – 1000m – 500m – 250m
Rest between rows for the same time the row took. E.g. after a 50-second 250, rest 50 seconds before starting the 500.
Damper setting must be on 1. Do not strap your feet in.
Really strive to keep back straight throughout, letting hips do the work rather than quads.

Three rounds:

Row 250m + 500m + 750m

Work:Rest has a 1:1 ratio: Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. For example, 250m row in 45 sec. rest 45 sec then 500m row, rest 500m time, row 750m, rest 750m time, row 250m, etc.

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

Row 1000m
12 Thrusters, 95/65
15 Burpees

From CrossFit Endurance

Do one of the following WODs:

Skills Gone Bad: Move from each of four stations after a minute. This is a 4-min. round, after which is a 1-min. break before repeating—3 rounds (14:00). The stations:
– Dips
– Double-unders
– Pull-ups
– Knees-to-elbows
One point is given for each rep. Each athlete can count their cumulative rep total in each round and call it out or write it down during the rest minute, before starting over.

Fight Gone Bad: Move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a 5-minute round, then a 1-minute rest. Three rounds (17:00). The stations:
– Wallball: 20 lb ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
– Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
– Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
– Push press: 75 lb (Reps)
– Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Beyond the Whiteboard median: 283 reps

Record score per round and total score to comments.