Tag Archive: ghd sit-up

March 7


Thrusters (95/65)

GHD Sit-Ups


GHD situps
walking lunges
toes to bar
side (lateral) lunges
box jump


Five rounds of: 
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Push jerk

Post load and time.

beyond the whiteboard mean time – 10:00

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
7 Push press, 135 lbs
10 Overhead squat, 135 lbs
15 GHD Sit-ups

(from main site 2/5/12)

Feb 6 | Triplet

5 RFT:

12 kettlebell swings
12 box jumps
12 ghd sit-ups


10 Back squats to a box
20 GHD situps

The squats are all the way to the 12″ box, lift your feet off the ground, replant your feet, and then stand back up for one rep.