Tag Archive: overhead squat

For those choosing to depart from the Wendler strength cycle, here are this week’s strength workouts. Freshmen, my hope is to do SWOD2 during class on Wednesday, and SWOD3 during class on Friday.

SWOD 1: Push press 5-5-3-3-1 (first review this push press video)
On this, the idea is to go as heavy as you can, increasing the weight for each set. The last rep of each set should be a fight. If you feel you can go heavier, you’re welcome to do one more heavy single for a sixth set.

SWOD 2: Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 (overhead squat video)
This is a difficult movement. Really try to lock in your form here, with your shoulders active, arms locked out, chest up, getting to the bottom of the squat while keeping your knees out. Challenge yourself and go as heavy as you can without any degradation in form–but if your form is shaky, don’t go up in weight.

SWOD 3: Front squat 12×2 (12 sets of 2 reps), every 45 seconds (front squat video), dynamic effort @ 50-55% of back squat 4RM
The purpose of a “dynamic effort” is bar speed. The weight is lighter, so strive to make each rep as explosive as possible, driving up rapidly from the bottom of each squat.

Record weights used to comments

Pull Over



Pull Up
Overhead Squat

Rest 5 Minutes then…
Fitness Standard: 400 m run for time


Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 3 x 8

Daily Challenge:  Accumulate 3 minutes of middle plank

Post loads for SDHP and time for couplet/run to comments…

taken from crossfitokc.com

The Moose Is Loose

I thought I’d share a workout I did today down at the local Crossfit Gym.

Warm Up:
Run or Row 100m @ 60% intensity
50 Jumping Jacks
Run or Row 100m @ 70%
40 Mountain Climbers
Run or Row 100m @ 80%
30 Air Squats
Run or Row 100m @ 90%
20 Push-Ups
Run or Row 100m @100%
10 Pull-Ups

Main Course:
100 Over-Head Squats (Rx’d @ 40kg) For Time

At the top of every minute do 3 burpees while the clock is still running and then with the remainder of the minute you will do as many squats as possible. Repeat until you reach 100 squat reps.

8 Sets of Tabata Rows 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
7 Push press, 135 lbs
10 Overhead squat, 135 lbs
15 GHD Sit-ups

(from main site 2/5/12)

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3

10 overhead squats, 135/95lb
50 double unders