10 min EMOM:
2 clean and jerks
*After a solid warm-up begin to add weight to the barbell and get a sense of what your first “working set” will be”. A “working set” is a set that actually counts as one of your lifts for today. Your warm-up sets do not count. This is also a great day to focus on your technique during what time is left in each minute. Pay attention to how the previous lift felt and intentionally improve your next lift. You can creep up in loading over the course of the 10 minutes or you can try to hold a certain loading across all sets.
Partner WOD:
With a partner, as many reps as possible in 12 min of:
One Arm Alternating Kettlebell clean and jerks (53/35)
200m run
*Partner A performs KB clean & jerks while partner B runs; score= total number of snatches
15 min AMRAP
250 m run
25 double-unnders
1 rope climbs (sub: 10 strict ring rows)
Hip Mobility