10 min EMOM:
2 power cleans
*After warming-up, begin to add weight to the barbell and get a sense of what your first “working set” will be”. A “working set” is a set that actually counts as one of your lifts for today. Your warm-up sets do not count. This is also a great opportunity to focus on your technique during what time is left in each minute. Pay attention to how the previous lift felt and intentionally improve your next lift.
Partner WOD: 15 min. AMRAP
6 partner-assisted pull-ups, C2B pull-ups or bar muscle-ups (switch roles each round; each do hardest variation you can)
50 ft kettlebell walking lunge partner A
6 hang power cleans (95/55)
50 ft kettlebell walking lunge partner B
Double-under practice
WOD: 8 x 200m run
*Rest 2:00 between efforts