Out-of-class WOD:
Swans in Flight 5K / Union Jack 5K (participating is worth 6 points)

Monday 9/25—Sophomores
Overhead squat 5-5-5-5

WOD2: Teams of 3—relay:
2 rounds: 20 kettlebell swings — 20 deadlifts (155/115) — 20 box jump overs

WOD 1:
Push press 3-3-3-3

WOD2: 3 rounds for reps, 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest each station (alternating):
Pull-ups and Goblet squats (with kettlebell)
Rest two minutes, then …
Same thing Push press and Burpee
*Keep track of total reps for each round and total for all 6 rounds


Wednesday 9/27—Everyone
Partner WOD:
For time:
60 double-unders, each, relay
60 pull-ups, each (alternating in sets of 15) [freshmen do push-ups instead]
60 hang power snatch (95/65), each (alternating in sets of 15) [freshmen do hang power clean instead]
60 double-unders, each, relay
*Cap: 15 minutes


Out-of-class WOD 2:
4 RFT:
Bear crawl, width of gym and back
20 wall balls, 20/14, 10-foot target

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