I did this WOD after my OMOB lift WOD. I’m not sure how I felt about it. With the heavy KB swings, I think the burpees felt like rest. I also did this backwards, beginning with the KB swings instead of the burpees. Probably not a huge deal…
cycle 1: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 5 burpees
cycle 2: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 1 burpee
I did this WOD after my OMOB lift WOD. I’m not sure how I felt about it. With the heavy KB swings, I think the burpees felt like rest. I also did this backwards, beginning with the KB swings instead of the burpees. Probably not a huge deal…
cycle 1: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 5 burpees
cycle 2: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 1 burpee
completed using rx’d weight