On the minute (until you complete 100 reps of thrusters):
5 burpees
max rep thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Start with 5 burpees and continue (for the rest of the minute) with maximum reps of thrusters. On the next minute start over again with five burpees and keep the following “on the minute” pace until you complete 100 thrusters.
Score: time it took you to complete 100 thrusters.
Kalsu is a Hero WOD which honors Robert James “Bob” Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970), a former professional American Football player, who left his sport career behind to serve his country in the Vietnam war.
I completed this WOD after doing the OMOB week 2 bench press and shoulder press WOD. This proved to be unwise, as the thrusters were even harder due to my the tax I had placed on them beforehand.
I pushed through it, albeit very ugly, and finished in 17:07, as rx’d.